Friday, May 12, 2006

I sent a couple cans of shaving cream to the devils locker room for tomorrow - they will need it to help shave off their playoff beards after the Hurricanes get done sweeping them.

Terry couldn't trust Danielle to not turn on him at Tribal Council but it would have been a real ballsy move if he had slipped her the idol on the way to go vote. In the previews for Sunday night it sure looks like Cirie's fire has the edge. Terry has also seemed to have forgotten what happened to Colby - you can win all the challenges but you have to win the people too - he can only hope that if he makes it to the final 2 that Shane & Courtney are bitter enough towards the former Casaya member left standing that he takes the $$$ by default. And Aras is tight-roping a potentially sticky situation if Cirie beats Danielle. How can he take Cirie to the final 2 with him ? She is a guaranteed $1m winner if she gets there while Aras would have the upper hand against Terry - despite the fact that Aras is an immature whiny little crunchy baby...we shall see on Sunday night......

and speaking of Sunday night, the vcr will be taping "DH" though I do think that this show has steadily declined this question though, why in the world would Tom ever want to cheat on Lynette ??? She is the queen MILF of Wisteria Lane if you ask me.....

I can tell the time in the morning by where I see the Little Jog Mom (LJM) on Main Street - I give her credit, she is out there rain or shine......

Ipod Shuffle note - Travelin' Shoes came on as I turned onto 34th street this morning - great timing, put an extra spring in my step......

Clips-Suns is starting to look like an old ABA series.......

Hideki Matsui breaks his wrist and is out for 3 months - there goes the only Yankee I like....

Haven't heard what the theme is for the next round of AI - I'm too lazy to go to the website....

Earl was entertaining last night but The Office was brilliant. The "Ross & Rachel" moment was predictable but not telling as they broke away before we could see what Pam's next reaction was going to be. I really thought that we were going to see some Jim & Jan drunken hook up. Kelly and her comments about Kobe Bryant were hilarious and Ryan is whipped if he knows Kelly's absurd drink order.....I would never let Kevin's band play even if it were in my garage though NBC would be smart to make the song & video available via podcast.....if Dwight doesn't win an Emmy than there is no justice in soon before I can get Season 2 on DVD ?????

I think I need to do some cooking this weekend but i know I need to do some work in the yard more - I'll never get my tomatos and peppers into the ground at this rate....

The Mo-Town blonde has cut about 18 inches of her hair off - it helps a little - the new mo-town bottle blonde looks very high maintenance but has a nice walk.......

Is The Wreckers album out yet ?

swampy abides......

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